
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My Hamster

This is my hamster...
Syrian Hamster - Golden Hamster
My Golden Hamster

It is a Syrian Hamster and I love him very much. According to Southern Hamster Club:
The Syrian Hamster is generally about 5 ½ inches (13 cm) in length, although some can be little larger.  Females are often larger than the males. They are stocky animals with large eyes, tulip shaped ears, and a very short tail. The Syrian hamster is sometimes known as “the Golden Hamster”. The original wild colour of the Syrian hamster is golden brown ticked with black on the upper two-thirds of the body. The belly fur is white with a grey undercoat. They also possess black cheek flashes and cheek-pouches that can carry a large amount of food to store back in their burrows. In the wild and in captivity they are fiercely territorial and will attack any other hamster that ventures into their space.  In the wild the female will only tolerate the male briefly for mating. She will attack him at all other times. In the wild and in captivity Syrian hamsters are solitary animals and must be housed on their own.
He is a hamster that loves eating and is always sleeping. He also loves biting which costs me a lot because few months ago it bit through the cable of my speakers.